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CardioPart 12 USB

The 12-channel PC ECG

ECG with high flexibility
Simple handling
Excellent measurement technology
Reliable pacemaker detection
Perfect for paperless workflow

CardioPart 12 USB / USB-P - Amedtec

Accessories / Components

Accessories / Components
Accessories / Components


  • Patient cable


  • Patient cable

Technical Data

Technical Data
Technical Data

Dynamic range +/- 316 mV DC
Sample rate 8000 Hz [125 μs] for each of the 10 electrode channels
Resolution 1 μV/LSB [0.01 mm]
Frequency range 0 – 150 Hz
Pacemaker detection Digital monitoring of all electrodes
Input impedance > 50 MOhm
Electrodes check Frequency analysis and impedance measurement
Input protection Against defibrillator shock1) and
HF from surgery devices
Patient cable connection 15-pin D-Sub for 10-lead patient cable
Applied part Type CF
PC interface USB 2.0 (5 meter USB cable)
Power supply Via the USB port of the PC
R wage trigger output Via LPT port of the PC
Dimensions 95 mm x 64 mm x 28 mm
Weight 90 g
Standards DIN EN 60601-1; DIN EN 60601-2; DIN EN 60601-2-25;

1) The patient cable or suction electrode system must feature a protective resistor of 10 kOhm in each of the cables. Protection against defibrillator
discharge is only ensured through the use of a patient cable or suction electrode system of this type.

1) The patient cable or suction electrode system must feature a protective resistor of 10 kOhm in each of the cables. Protection against defibrillator
discharge is only ensured through the use of a patient cable or suction electrode system of this type.

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