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CardioPart 12 USB / USB-P

The 12-channel PC ECG

ECG with high flexibility
Simple handling
Excellent measurement technology
Reliable pacemaker detection
Perfect for paperless workflow

CardioPart 12 USB / USB-P - Amedtec

Accessories / Components

Accessories / Components
Accessories / Components


  • Patient cable


  • Patient cable

Technical Data

Technical Data
Technical Data

Dynamic range +/- 316 mV DC
Sample rate 8000 Hz [125 μs] for each of the 10 electrode channels
Resolution 1 μV/LSB [0.01 mm]
Frequency range 0 – 150 Hz
Pacemaker detection Digital monitoring of all electrodes
Input impedance > 50 MOhm
Electrodes check Frequency analysis and impedance measurement
Input protection Against defibrillator shock1) and
HF from surgery devices
Patient cable connection 15-pin D-Sub for 10-lead patient cable
Applied part Type CF
PC interface USB 2.0 (5 meter USB cable)
Power supply Via the USB port of the PC
R wage trigger output Via LPT port of the PC
Dimensions 95 mm x 64 mm x 28 mm
Weight 90 g
Standards DIN EN 60601-1; DIN EN 60601-2; DIN EN 60601-2-25;

1) The patient cable or suction electrode system must feature a protective resistor of 10 kOhm in each of the cables. Protection against defibrillator
discharge is only ensured through the use of a patient cable or suction electrode system of this type.

1) The patient cable or suction electrode system must feature a protective resistor of 10 kOhm in each of the cables. Protection against defibrillator
discharge is only ensured through the use of a patient cable or suction electrode system of this type.



Supported HIS, PACS and BDT/GDT communication CardioPart 12 USB
HL7/DICOM (Option)



Available ECG options CardioPart 12 USB
Resting ECG with automatic measurement
Resting ECG with automatic measurement and rhythm
ECG option
Resting ECG with automatic measurement, interpretation
and rhythm ECG option
Resting and stress test ECG with measurement, interpretation
and rhythm ECG option, ST measurement,
control of ergometers and blood pressure meters
Resting and stress test ECG with measurement, interpretation
and rhythm ECG option, ST measurement,
arrhythmia analysis, control of ergometers and blood
pressure meters
Resting and stress test ECG with measurement, ST measurement, ergometer control and blood pressure measurement

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